Saturday, March 30, 2013

Stuff from last semester!!!

It has been so hectic lately, I haven't had 2 seconds to scan the stuff I've been working on. Finally here's some stuff!!

theres about a month left of school and I am so excited for summer!!! Warm weather, a chance to relax a bit and work on personal projects, and maybe some art related jobs coming up so maybe I won't have to suffer through another summer as a camp counselor! I love it, but the bugs are getting to me.

the pencil drawing for my final assignment last semester! 

The final! I finally figured out how to use corel and went a little crazy with the textures hehe

Heres some oil paintings I did from a model!

totally not finished, but I'm kind of liking it this way...


2 people??? whaaattt I managed to get it done somehow, my oil painting skills before these were, well, nonexistent.
but hey! now these look like paintings!!