Friday, August 30, 2013

More Red Shoes Designs

Some more character studies for the The Red Shoes!!

Finally the Rest of Wicked!

So for my final project last semester we had to do a target marketing assignment and I decided to do character designs for the broadway musical Wicked. I love that show, and I liked my original idea, but it was a rough semester and time got the best of me. I liked where it was going but I'm going to redo them at some point so they are prettier!! But here's what I got:

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Quick Little Drawing

So for a summer assignment for school, we had to do some spot illustrations!! I started painting over my Gidget sketch so I could mess around with corel stuff and all the brush options and because I was never totally happy with the final.  It turns out I kinda like it...sooo I guess I'm making the other seven spot illustrations in the same theme as this...aaaaand a week until school. I better get to work. MORE TO COME!!