Monday, October 22, 2012

The Little Mermaid

No, not the Disney version.

For this assignment we had to do a portrait, and I have been reading up on fairytales in the hopes I would get inspired for my animation piece I have to do next semester.  The little mermaid had always been my favorite Disney movie ever since I saw it, and its also one of my favorite fairy tales. The original story is so much darker and really sad.  I really like the original story because it focuses on the fact that she wants a soul, and its not all about falling in love with the prince, the prince is merely a way to get a soul.  And when its clear the prince isn't going to marry her, she is given the option to save herself by stabbing him, but she doesn't. Sooo sadd

I wanted to make this totally different than the Disney movie, and wanted to emphasize the sadness and that awful choice she had to make.

and I wanted to make it pretty.

Still a work in progress....the painting isn't all that great, I am still getting the hang of it.

I really like the sketch, this is like my fourth draft of the sketch...and I LOVE her hair!! Seaweed and kelp does make for beautiful locks. And I wanted her to be human, but also still have her mermaid/fish features, some scales and her side fin, which would have been covered with a dress if she was on land so its plausible. 

the work in progress....I have to finish her body...I got way to obsessed with her hair!!! it was so fun to do....and it caused me to rush everything else to get it done :-/

I am still in the process of figuring out digital. I don't like the clean cut look of a default brush, I like a rough brush with lots of texture, so it looks like gouache. I'm having a hard time getting that look, and it tends to look splotchy in some areas.