Monday, October 22, 2012

Figure Drawing!!

It's been awhile...and now I'm stuck at school on an extended break and class and thought I'd upload what I have with me!!!

Here's some of my stuff from my figurative communication class...the usual nude...nothing too fun :(
Although we did get to use gouache...which I am kind of psyched about...

5 mins...with charcoal!!
(her torso is too long...note the lines...that part is to be taken out)

both giant 18x24
I hate working that big....
but I think they turned out ok

not bad photos for an iPhone.

I love drawing people, I just wish they wore costumes or make it a little more fun. It doesn't help that this class is on a friday and at that point I am BEYOND exhausted....since this year is proving to be extremely work heavy and overnights are a usual thing...I usually only get a couple hours sleep between monday and friday. :(

despite this, I am really enjoying myself this year.