Thursday, September 12, 2013

My Junior Year Animation!!

For my second to last animation class, I had to do a full little animation, and here it is!!! It was an insanely rough semester, I was battling the insanity that is a normal junior year, then throw in a minor, and then make that minor animation!!!!! anyone that knows animation knows how time consuming and painful it is. Ok, I always complain about animation, but despite my annoyance of the medium, somehow I really do love it!

So here is my final animation:

There would be a ton of stuff I would change on it now, but for the time I had to realistically work on it I'm pretty happy with it! I was also approached to have this play in a movie theater in Philadelphia that features local artists!! That would be so exciting!!

Also, here is the animatic:
I love animatics...I like seeing how storyboards turn into a little movie.

and I'm not sure if I posted these before, but here are the first sketches for my film! I started out just drawing my fat kitty:

This is what I come home to everyday, her sitting in the middle of the hallway waiting for her food. It looks like something out of a horror movie and I thought she might jump on me and start slashing me with her claws if I didn't feed her.

She's a happy fat cat :)
some sketches on the ipad....