Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Little Red Riding Hood is a Gun Nut!

This is something I've been working on the past couple of weeks! I've been trying to stay away from fairy tales because everyone does them and I've been trying to shed the image that I am obsessed with them and it's the only thing I'll ever draw.
Which I am a little obsessed but I can draw many more things.

But I couldn't help myself with this one.

I wanted to do a badass version of red riding hood...where she travels through the woods to grandma's house but not without her handy gun!
Red isn't fooled by the wolf, she suspects and just to be sure, lifts grandma's cap before she takes care of the wolf!

I am quite happy with the way this turned out. I wish the painting was a little neater, but I was rushing. I redid this quite a number of times.

Here is the final!

This was the close to last sketch I used. I got rid of the door and all the extra stuff...I didn't like how it turned out when I painted it.

I am quite happy. Onward to the next thing!

Sunday, October 6, 2013


or thats what I think it's called. I should know this.

I've been keeping busy with school and inktober so I havent had alot of time to post!! I am SOOO not good at ink, I have a heavy and rather shakey it never looks clean and pretty. But I liked the sketch (and luckily I took a picture of it before I inked it) so I decided to color it instead of doing my homework which I'm sure I will come to regret tomorrow.

But here it is!! I wanna go to Hawaii again. I miss it.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dress up time!!

I can't believe I used to do this to my cat, and she still loves me like 10+ years later. The colors are a *bit* all over the place, but thats what i get for not thinking it out all the way. Onward to the next project with much better colors!

A little fix

Made some color changes and found the building shadow layer!! I lose layers in photoshop from time to time...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Speed Painting!!

I'm trying to get better!

I love fall!! and all the colors and flavors that come with it!! (I'm talking to you pumpkin spice coffee) 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Just a quick little doodle to get warmed up...

I draw everyday, but most of the stuff I do just stays in my sketchbook as rough sketches. I was gonna make this prettier and more polished, but I AM TIRED! as shown in this picture of me, with my protein shake in hand, I am ready for another super long day!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Some Crazy High Tides

For this project, we were given the topic of environmental changes or something green to that effect. I chose to focus on rising water levels and decided to do some concept art about a little town that over the years they had to keep moving up the mountain, eventually surviving mostly on a city supported by stilts!

If only I could get my printer to print it like this. it does for the most part except the bottom is WAYY too black.
But ink is expensive and I give up for today.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

My Junior Year Animation!!

For my second to last animation class, I had to do a full little animation, and here it is!!! It was an insanely rough semester, I was battling the insanity that is a normal junior year, then throw in a minor, and then make that minor animation!!!!! anyone that knows animation knows how time consuming and painful it is. Ok, I always complain about animation, but despite my annoyance of the medium, somehow I really do love it!

So here is my final animation:

There would be a ton of stuff I would change on it now, but for the time I had to realistically work on it I'm pretty happy with it! I was also approached to have this play in a movie theater in Philadelphia that features local artists!! That would be so exciting!!

Also, here is the animatic:
I love animatics...I like seeing how storyboards turn into a little movie.

and I'm not sure if I posted these before, but here are the first sketches for my film! I started out just drawing my fat kitty:

This is what I come home to everyday, her sitting in the middle of the hallway waiting for her food. It looks like something out of a horror movie and I thought she might jump on me and start slashing me with her claws if I didn't feed her.

She's a happy fat cat :)
some sketches on the ipad....

Something Old....

The one thing I like about art school, even the liberal arts classes involve art! Last semester I took a music class about the blues, and it was really interesting...and we even learned about Elvis! And if we drew a picture we got 3 pages off our final paper. WIN!

I did this as a speed painting like an hour before class....and I'm pretty happy with it...minus the should be more round like the king's chin...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Make some delicious lemonade!!!
I like this one...and I'm sad kids are too lazy to do this in my neighborhood because I could go for some lemonade right now.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Second Illustration of the Group

The second of the 8 illustrations I need to get done for Thursday. Oh boy. I must make the other 6 more simple!! These are spot illustrations, I need to not be as ambitious.

Hopefully they will get done....

Friday, August 30, 2013

More Red Shoes Designs

Some more character studies for the The Red Shoes!!

Finally the Rest of Wicked!

So for my final project last semester we had to do a target marketing assignment and I decided to do character designs for the broadway musical Wicked. I love that show, and I liked my original idea, but it was a rough semester and time got the best of me. I liked where it was going but I'm going to redo them at some point so they are prettier!! But here's what I got:

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Quick Little Drawing

So for a summer assignment for school, we had to do some spot illustrations!! I started painting over my Gidget sketch so I could mess around with corel stuff and all the brush options and because I was never totally happy with the final.  It turns out I kinda like it...sooo I guess I'm making the other seven spot illustrations in the same theme as this...aaaaand a week until school. I better get to work. MORE TO COME!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


For my one project, I am doing designs if the musical "Wicked" became an animated movie! I am sooooo psyched because I've been wanting to do this as a personal project and haven't had a chance to, and now it's my homework and I'm required to work on it!!!!!!!! Gotta love art school

So here's a little something that I'll post.
This is the finalish design for Elphaba, aka the Wicked Witch of the West.  I went with a classic victorian style, with all the frills and lace and awesome stuff I can throw in!

I'm experimenting with new brushes, and so far its going alot faster than the other way I used to paint digitally. Maybe I'm just not great at painting on the computer yet, but im finding it quite hard to find the way I want it to look, I'm really picky but when I figure out a way to do it, it will be a glorious day, a glorious day indeed!

I'm really tired I haven't slept in a couple of days or so...

Saturday, March 30, 2013

House on Mango Street

Here's a book cover I designed for class! I always loved this book, but all the covers were really REALLY lame. So I made a new one!!

I should be all caught up now!

or close to it anyway...

This is a project I am working on now!! Visual development for.....WICKED!!!!

I am so pumped about this! I love the music, I love the musical! It's absolutely wonderful! And I'm dying for it to become a movie, not live action, I think it would make an awesome animated movie. I really do. It would be beautiful!!!

So heres what I'm working on, I'm focusing more on the first part, where they are at Shiz University.
I think I'm going to continue this into the summer, but theres a lot going on right now and I don't want to pile more on the already heavy, heavy plate.

So for characters, right now I'm just focusing on Elphaba, Galinda, and Fiyero.
with semi victorian flair mixed with straight out whimsical

Elphaba and Galinda's dorm room sketch. Galinda of course has all the fancy stuff and the walk in closet, while Elphaba has the basic necessities. 
To be continued....

Some character designs...

I am taking this awesome independent study this semester, and its focusing all on character design!!
I picked a story to sort of make into an animated movie pitch, with a simplified storyline, character designs, environmental studies and such. It's a lot of fun!! I love doing this kind of stuff!! oh so much!

I decided on the story, "The Red Shoes" by Hans Christian Andersen.  I decided to set it in the 1920s, and change it up a bit, where Karen is a dancer and the red shoes help her, you know, instead of destroy her life, cause her to cut off her feet and eventually kill her. Good 'ol fairy tales!!

These are the first sketches I ever did. I wanted to make it so 1920s. The anatomy is berserk, but I still love the overall style and art decoish quality and that is gonna be a part of it. 

Another assignment not relating to the red shoes story at all, unless it took place in space. but these are some robot butlers!

It's been an interesting study, I've learned alot and the characters have evolved so much, its really awesome to look back at the first sketches. Ill post the finished project later!


I majored in animation for 2 years before I transferred to Uarts and switched to illustration. Luckily they allow minors there! So, it seemed like a good idea to do it, and it is, it just rough doing to 2 very time consuming majors at once! But, I'm learning a lot and despite my whining, I do love it.

So my short is about a cat and her treats. Based off my own cats greediness and love for any kind of food and her determination to eat everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!
Her favorite food is whipped cream and you do not want to be the one not to give her some. She will bother you and hate you forever.

Prime example: Chinese food.
She thought she was sneaky but I know whats up!!

staring at my delicious food. for awhile. it was uncomfortable.

thinks she's being sneaky creepin up behind my mom.

until eventually she walked up and stared until I gave her some rice. which she didn't like.
I am not giving her general tsos. She does sleep in my room on occasion.

So yes! A cat animation! 

here is some concept art!!
Hopefully I can animate like the wind so it actually looks this nice...

we shall see....

found some sketches...

I was putting away old sketchbooks and found some sketches from a project from last semester, the heaven and hell piece.  It was some quick brainstorming sketches, the first week of school doing them in my history/literature class, I haven't gotten to do this in a while. Deadlines are quicker and its not the first week of school anymore so I have to jump right into a project to get it done in time.

planes!! with help from my brother as to which planes to draw. I would get in so much trouble if I didn't pick the right model or kind of plane. I'm the only one in my family that isn't into aviation all that much.

space stuff!!! 
there was alot more stuff, but it was mixed in with notes from class and conversations with my friends who were writing in my sketchbook.

it makes me sad that lately I haven't had time to do this kind of stuff for everything. if I have any free time I'm usually passed out in bed. Animation and illustration majors will be the death of me.

Stuff from last semester!!!

It has been so hectic lately, I haven't had 2 seconds to scan the stuff I've been working on. Finally here's some stuff!!

theres about a month left of school and I am so excited for summer!!! Warm weather, a chance to relax a bit and work on personal projects, and maybe some art related jobs coming up so maybe I won't have to suffer through another summer as a camp counselor! I love it, but the bugs are getting to me.

the pencil drawing for my final assignment last semester! 

The final! I finally figured out how to use corel and went a little crazy with the textures hehe

Heres some oil paintings I did from a model!

totally not finished, but I'm kind of liking it this way...


2 people??? whaaattt I managed to get it done somehow, my oil painting skills before these were, well, nonexistent.
but hey! now these look like paintings!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Some Delightful Butterbeer!

I have a ton of stuff to upload! I've been super busy!

But while I am in class, might as well upload my latest project.
We had to make beer labels, and of course I chose Butterbeer!!
I wouldn't really consider myself a Harry Potter fan until this year, I seem to be doing alot of Harry Potter inspired stuff.

Here's the label!
I wanted it to look old fashioned, like it could be related to the movies.
and just look generally awesome!

And because I felt like doing something crafty, I made a prototype of the bottle!
Instead of Butterbeer, I used candle wax for the inside, so it wont go bad and I can keep it forever!!
There's alot more to come!!
As of now, I'm attempting to start a tumblr, not entirely sure what it is or how it works, but everyone seems to be posting stuff on there so I'll attempt to learn the ways of the internet s'more.